Save 3X on your MVP, Stay Cloud-Independent

Neterial provides cloud-agnostic platform to help early-stage startups efficiently set up and manage Kubernetes, Databases, and beyond on top of affordable cloud providers

On-top of affordable cloud providers

Save 3X on your MVP, Stay Cloud-Independent

Neterial provides cloud-agnostic platform to help early-stage startups efficiently set up and manage Kubernetes, Databases, and beyond on top of affordable cloud providers

On top of affordable cloud providers

Three Reasons to Choose Neterial

We’ll help you make your cloud cost-efficient and ready to “take away”. Stop spending luxury prices for commodity tools and be locked by hyperscalers’ “proprietary tech”

3X cheaper than AWS, GCP

Choose cost-efficient cloud compute, like Hetzner, and pay a fixed price for Containers, Databases, etc.

It’s entirely yours with no lock-in

Easy like managed service, but without cloud provider’s lock-in (including our product)

Transparent, predictable pricing

No mind-blowing pricing or hidden costs. We offer predictable, flat subscription model

Three Reasons to Choose Neterial

We’ll help you make your cloud cost-efficient and ready to “take away”. Stop spending luxury prices for commodity tools and be locked by hyperscalers’ “proprietary tech”

3X cheaper than AWS, GCP

3X cheaper than AWS, GCP

Choose cost-efficient cloud compute, like Hetzner, and pay a fixed price for Containers, Databases, etc.

No proprietary tech, no vendor lock-in

It’s entirely yours with no lock-in

Easy like managed service, but without cloud provider’s lock-in (including our product)

Predictable cloud costs

Transparent, predictable pricing

No mind-blowing pricing or hidden costs. We offer predictable, flat subscription model

Deploy in Minutes, Own Forever. At Fair Cost

We’ll help you set up and manage infrastructure and not waste money on AWS, GCP

Deploy in Minutes, Own Forever. At Fair Cost

We’ll help you set up and manage infrastructure and not waste money on AWS, GCP

Connect your cloud with just a few clicks

Provide an API Token for your cloud, and we’ll handle all the other stuff – create VMs, install Kubernetes, DB, etc.

Deploy containers and databases in 5 min

Don’t waste time on setup of Dev infrastructure. Skip the fuss and focus on what truly moves your startup forward – your code

We’ll handle Day2 operations

Save time and focus on your product. We’ll handle updates, scaling, scheduled actions, alerts, and beyond.

Optimize your cloud usage

Get the benefits of automation: turn-off your development infrastructure when you’re on holidays, at night, …

Connect your cloud with just a few clicks

Provide an API Token for your cloud, and we’ll handle all the other stuff – create VMs, install Kubernetes, DB, etc.

Deploy containers and databases in 5 min

Don’t waste time on setup of Dev infrastructure. Skip the fuss and focus on what truly moves your startup forward – your code

We’ll handle Day2 operations

Save time and focus on your product. We’ll handle updates, scaling, scheduled actions, alerts, and beyond

Optimize your cloud usage

Get the benefits of automation: turn-off your development infrastructure when you’re on holidays, at night, …

All-in-one Platform for Any Cloud Tool Startups Need

Not everything under the sun, but the vital 20% you really need for MVP

All-in-one Platform for Any Cloud Tool Startups Need

Not everything under the sun, but the vital 20% you really need for MVP

Get Early Access

Choose the right cloud strategy from the beginning. Leave your email to be among the first 100 startups to receive special access and benefits.

Get Early Access

Choose the right cloud strategy from the beginning. Leave your email to be among the first 100 startups to receive special access and benefits.